Tuesday, November 27, 2012

And finally the stars align.

Number one, I have to have 2 hands to type. 2 hands free is a rarity for me. Usually, I have one arm hooked around a baby and the other one either filling a juice cup, making someone's food request, or loading a washing machine or dishwasher. And lately only one child is sleeping at a time during the day, which keeps me moving and multitasking even more.  Thankfully, most of the time all 3 are asleep at night, but that hasn't been the case over the last few weeks. Number two, by the time I have a minute to myself at night, sleep looks way more appealing than using precious brainpower to record all of this stuff online. 

I may be behind with the blog, but hey, at least I have used that other arm most of the time to grab my phone and snap a priceless photographic treasure that will reward myself and others for years to come. (Please hold while I take a moment to fluff my supermom cape...)

October is Grandaddy's birthday. And Grandaddy likes spinach. And Jane Bradley and Beckham think that's hilarious because, as everyone knows, spinach is the universal icon of all disgusting foods. So naturally, it was the funniest joke of all time when they put spinach on Grandaddy's birthday cake.

Jane Bradley also made him a birthday cake out of playdough. I thought she did a pretty good job!

Of course, Brooke is growing at warp speed. Here she is just about to turn 4 months old... I love these little moments after work with dad!

We spent a lot of time like this in October too... 

Last but certainly not least... We have a new favorite superhero around here :)

Hope your day is as super as this guy :)

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