Tuesday, May 1, 2012

catching up

Call me Mrs. Doolittle. There's a joke in the village that all of the strays come to my house.... and all of the resident animals, come to think of it. The funny part is that I am not an animal-lover at all... at all. So, last weekend, it was no surprise when my neighbor texts me that she likes my new front yard pets that flew in to say hello...

Maybe my house is easily mistaken for the ark...

* * * * * 

T-Ball update. This season is as much about Beckham as it is about JB. Most of the time, he looks like this:

He wants to be on the team so bad.... so so sooo bad. The father/daughter moments are adorable, though. 

I did happen to help B calm down and cheer his sister on. It was some sweet mother/sweet-red-headed-baby-boy time too...

We've had some big fans in the audience...

And in the dugout...

* * * * * 
So as promised, here is the rest of the deck story... Brad decided to use the project to provide a few teaching moments. JB got to hold the sander...

So did Beckham... After his nap, with his dad, and his turtle (which he sleeps with every nap and night)...

Then B got to hit a nail that Brad put in. I hope your week is as fun as hitting an old deck with your dad and a hammer :)

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