Monday, December 3, 2012

Fall Funnies...

A little laugh from the October photos... 

JB plans her halloween costumes around what Beckham is planning to be. Last year he was going to be an Indian because I needed a costume that didn't require a mask. So she changed her choice to an Indian princess so they could match. This year was no different... B decided to be superman, so JB decided to be Wonder Woman. 

Here's one of Beckham making a call on his banana-phone...

We did a little experimenting too... Look who likes to scoot around the kitchen!

Brooke lounges in her nap-nanny while she waits for me to get dressed in the morning. Sometimes the hairdryer just hums her straight to sleep...

Jane Bradley takes a trip to the pumpkin patch with her Kindergarten class... The teacher let them know that they could wear "farm" clothes instead of uniforms. Of course, I remembered having several things in her closet that would work, but unfortunately, I did not remember until 8pm the night before that I had given all of those pieces away last year in the closet-clean-out. 

If you know JB, then you know that accessorizing is high-priority. When I told her I didn't have anything that fit her for farm-day, I was not prepared for the puppy eyes and alligator tears that would follow. It was one of those moments where you look at your daughter and you know exactly what she's feeling. I would have felt the same way. So. I went to Target at 9pm and bought every denim thing they had in her size (I planned to take back everything that I didn't end up using). Call me crazy. I probably deserve it, but I went to bed happy that night, and she woke up happy the next morning. Win, Win... 

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