Well. I'm feeling the need to apologize for blog whiplash right about now. My blog timing is sort of resembling that of a new teenaged driver learning how to drive a standard. stop. go. stop. go back. stop. lurch forward. throw back into high speed reverse....
However. I just cannot leave out some of these days from our year. My future self is already thanking me...
So, back to the Days after Thanksgiving, 2012... Some of my favorites out of the 366 this year. It was a leap year, right?
Beckham got his own Christmas tree, and of course, he put all of the ornaments on the same side, in the same quadrant...
This girl looks like this pretty much all the time....
Please pause to appreciate the sweetness of baby girl pajamas...
We have a lot of Christmas traditions, and the Elf on the Shelf has become one of our favorites. We read the book again because everything was new to Beckham this year since he was just turning 2 last year. Our elf's name is Mickey...
The Madison Christmas Parade is also something we love - This year, it was so cute - Jane Bradley said, "Mom! I finally got to see Mrs Claus! She was riding the fire engine with Santa - I've ALWAYS wanted to see her!"
Here are the kids securing our spot on the corner...
Here's to Mississippi's finest, who also rode in the parade...
The cul de sac friends sitting on the curb waiting for the parade to begin. We love this spot because it's right across from the judges tent so we get to see all of the performances.
Later that day, Beckham was invited to a birthday party at an awesome park. Well, the playset has this super high part in the middle that makes me ease towards the symptoms of a panic attack. I restrain myself from climbing it to hold his hand, and he proudly gets up to the top. One of his friends who was older than him yells, "Beckham! The top is only for BIG boys!!" Beckham yells back (so typical), "I AM a big boy!" It was sweet. And I was nervous...
This also happens in the days after Thanksgiving. Brad and I have called ourselves the Aspiring Griswolds ever since we started dating. We add a new Christmas decoration every year, and one day, it will really be obnoxious...
Before bed, Beckham has to check out all of the lights on the street...
So I'm done with this post now, and Brad says, "What are you doing? Writing a happy?" I say yes. He says, "What's the subject?" I say, "The day after thanksgiving..." He says, "You're going that far back? People are going to be like 'What are you doing'?"
So. He hasn't read the blog yet, and my assessment is confirmed. But at least blog whiplash has photos of cute babies :)