Monday, February 11, 2013

Still trip-blogging... Now it's Sunday!

Back in November, I mailed the Bonhams and Kines a big box of greeting cards that I collected from anyone I could find that would send one - they ended up being from all over the country!! Well, Nikki has put them up all across the back wall of her dining room.

They are still opening them!!  

I noticed a family portrait hanging up there. They happen to be from Jane Bradley - here's the Bonham family:
Nikki, Nate, Noah, & Barrett

The Maddens:

Jane Bradley, Lacey with baby Brooke, Brad, and Beckham

And The Travis family:
Janie, Grandaddy, and Nanny  
 Remember those flowers that Nikki picked up yesterday? Here's the arrangement we whipped up on Sunday morning:

Nikki has made such a cute house! Here's her living room - It's super cozy and very nicely decorated! Notice the Marguerite Travis originals on the walls - they look even better in person!

On Sunday morning, I went to church with Nikki. It was all in Spanish, of course, and even though I only understood a couple of words, I really enjoyed it. It's so cool how people can worship together in all different languages, and everybody gets it

And since I was still a tourist, I took a photo of the hymnal... We sang "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" (right there on the left page #440) and "Oh Sacred Head Now Wounded." The tunes were the same, and I could pick out some of the words I knew, so it was fun to try to sing along.

After church, we went back for lunch and naps. Then we dressed up in our rain gear and headed out to a little artsy market. 

These two in rain gear might be one of the cutest things I've ever seen...

This is the way they roll on the rainy days... 

After the market, we went to El Corral, a super fast food restaurant with awesome hamburgers. The boys love to ride taxis, which we did since it was raining...

And after that, we went back to the house, where Nikki, Mom, and I took our first steps towards a Downton Abbey addiction... 

Hasta maƱana!

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