Thursday, March 28, 2013

The one with the Whitney Houston singing flamingo...

I recently read a rant blog post about how ridiculous parents are making some of the smaller holidays nowadays - especially with Pinterest being around. Pretty much the writer just went on about how impossible it is to keep up with the Joneses these days and how parents used to have it easy with a simple Valentines card or store-bought Easter basket and now because some people are going all out to impress, her kids are looking at her like, "Where's mine?" and this pressure is making her crazy, and so could everyone please stop with the over-crafted, over-the-top, holiday explosions... And at first, I was like - "Well said!! Those people ARE ridiculous!".... and then I listened to the girl on my other shoulder who was like, "Just which group do you think you are IN? Have you READ your blog?" I make a good point. 

So. I guess I am guilty of having a little extra-holiday enthusiasm... But over-the-top is me, and I'm ok with it. I don't feel so much pinterest-pressure (for some, I believe it is possibly diagnosable...) because, honestly, i don't have time to pinterest anymore - my hands are usually too full to scroll down.  Which helps...

So this brings me to Valentines Day 2013. No four foot balloons this year (see! I'm scaling back!). But, that flamingo in the front dances and sings some great Whitney.... 

Here's how the morning went:

I always arrange the table the night before - I just can't help it!

Don't you just love those faces?

JB was talking about Raggedy Ann and Andy at school and wanted a pair

I believe there was a spiderman race car track in that box

Doesn't this just say it all - all they want is the paper

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May all of our Valentines Days in the future be as fun as a flamingo who belts out "I will always love you"
Seriously, It is so loud that I had to hide the thing... So maybe I am hoping for more fun that that..

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