Monday, March 19, 2012

St. Paddy's Days

We had several birthdays on the cul de sac this week. 

The spree ended with a complete razor scooter gang on our street. All of the birthday girls got them for their birthdays, and the older kids already had them. That left one kid on the street who was a have-not... Jane Bradley. I came home from work that day, and she was mid-break down. I tried to convince her that I thought there was a good chance that the Easter Bunny might want to know that this was her biggest request (actually, he already knew... he told me that he had ordered it already and he wanted me to hold on to it for him until Easter Morning). She tried to be strong, but on the second attempt to ride alongside the others, she came inside and sobbed. It was sad, and I was weak... So Easter came a little early, and the squirms and squeals of delight made it all worth it. You can see the puffy eyes and the happy smile in the picture. Awww....
I wish I could say we finished Spring Break with lots of scooter rides and enjoying the weather. We did not. JB came down with the stomach bug on Friday, the last one of us to be struck. We stayed in, missed 2 birthday parties, and I lysol-ed my house. Again. For the fourth time - not that anyone is counting. Friday night, she was feeling a little less green around the edges, and after all of the village kids went inside, we went out to get some fresh air. Glad I had my camera because Brad was in a super good mood. He likes Fridays - and all of the other non-work days :)

JB didn't want to smile so much. She'd had a lousy day...

That's okay. Brad brought enough silly for all of us...

Beckham took a spill. He looks to make sure we saw him, and then he gets up saying, "I'm okay! I'm okay!" Little toughguy...

Brad's after-work Heisman...

And his NBA-esque dunking skills... 

And Beckham has the gene - we are sure :)

Thankfully, Saturday was not a bust. JB felt great, and we even ventured out for a light lunch. There was just one major mishap. In the midst of all of the changed plans and sicknesses, we sort of forgot about St. Paddy's day. I really still can't believe it. I attribute all such things to pregnant brain... It's so real.

Jane Bradley discovered the mistake after church on Sunday when she told me she knew exactly what she was going to wear on St. Paddy's day. We told her she had a long time because it was yesterday, and she was horrified. Then she decided that she wasn't missing out, so we all had to put on our green clothes for the whole day. And we did. 

The creepy ice cream truck came by on Sunday. Seriously, this van just looks like something off of a horror movie to me.

Here's the evidence of our March 18th St. Paddy's Day get up. 

This guy makes a pretty good little Irish leprechaun, even if it is the day after St. Paddy's day :)

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