Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Welcome Back to the Land of the Living...

It's been a few days since the last post. Mostly because from Wednesday to Saturday we've been suffering from the plague (stomach bug). It took down Beckham first, then me, then Brad... so far, JB has escaped, and I am praying it stays that way. We've recovered, and I am thankful it was before spring break!

So to fill in the gaps:
My grandparents loaned us their extra truck while my car was in the shop getting its transmission dipped in gold... (at least that's what the price tag feels like). Beckham thought we borrowed an amusement park.

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Beckham has a phrase lately that sounds nothing like, but means "What'r-you-doin?" Insert phrase here:

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Last photo before I joined the infirmary:

Poor guy... Just laid around for 2 days. It's sad when you see sunshine feeling grey.

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Beckham was feeling much better by Friday, and he joined some of the crew for an afternoon treat. Our Santa sleigh, which we cannot get upstairs to our attic, has found it's home in the garage, and serves as the group's afternoon hangout spot... It's good to see those smiles at full wattage again!

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This weekend, the kids were looking for something to do. They jumped at the opportunity to wash dad's car all by themselves... 

I snapped this one from the window... Jane Bradley is such a little mama. She stood there and pulled and pushed his swing for him for a long time - it was really sweet!

This week is spring break! I've been looking for some fun STAYcation ideas... I would love to hear some fun ideas - What are you doing this week? 

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