Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Wrapping Up & Heading Out

Just in case someone is not tired of this never-ending blog post (I only wish my trip lasted as long as this post!), here's the post about Monday, my last full day in Bogota. I was up super early on Tuesday and travelled all day to get home. 

This is Nikki's nanny, Hilda (pronounced Ill-dah) - she is super sporty and perfect for the boys. 

She loves to take them to the park and outside to play, and she made us the greatest lunch while we were there - i have no idea what it was called, but it had rice and fried salty plantains with meat on top. Here's a picture - I've been craving it since I got home!!

Monday morning we went by the Kines place to see Emily and her kids. I hope Emily reads this because, let me tell ya'll, I don't know how she does it. She is pregnant with her 5TH!, which pretty much knocks out all of my brain cells anyway, home schools, learns spanish with a tutor, and keeps a cute house! I salute you, Emily Kines. I was only there for a few minutes, but I was seriously impressed :)

Here's another girl with whom I am impressed :) I may be biased, but I would argue that LOTS of people agree with me...

On Monday, Hilda came and kept the boys while Nikki took Mom and I shopping on 53rd street, where there is a long strip of shop after shop. I wanted to take so many pictures, but Nikki said it was more likely here that I could get my Iphone swiped, so I shouldn't. So I didn't. 

This is where I got lots of souvenirs because I better not even THINK about coming home empty handed... And because when you are away from home, all you can think about or talk about is your kids anyway, so I usually tend to overdo the souvenir thing...

Nikki bought us some chicken and cheese empanadas... I approve. Deep fried chicken and cheese pockets - what's not to love? (You should have seen me hiding behind the wall and Nikki to get this photo... I took her warning seriously...)

Later that afternoon, it rained and the power went out. So Nikki and I went to the mall so I could pick up a couple of other souvenirs that I wanted. And we picked up a chocolate mocha shake - I definitely would not starve in Bogota, that's for sure...

I made Nikki pose while we were waiting for our shakes because I told her people would be interested to see what she looks like when it rains... I am sort of laughing at myself right now, but I figured I will just post it anyway...

Thankfully, the power came back on right as we were headed over to have dinner with all of the missionary wives and kids. Dinner was so nice, and again the food was fantastic. 

When we got home, I had to tell the boys goodbye when we put them to bed because I would be gone before they woke up the next morning. I hate goodbyes - especially when I don't know when I'll be back. So Nikki, Mom, and I cheered ourselves up with some wine and 3 episodes of Downton Abbey... 

And there it is. My trip to Bogota! All that's left to talk about is the incident where I spilled my coke on myself about an hour into a 4 hour flight and had to ride wet all the way back. Nice. Oh, and Brad joined my dad at the airport to pick me up because he knows that's on my list of my favorite things in life... When someone actually comes in and greets you as you get off of a plane - it never happens anymore! It's a lost art. And that reminded me that although I was sad to leave, I was happy to be home :)

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