Thursday, October 11, 2012

Fair 2012

It seems that when it comes to the fair, you either love it or you hate it. I hear some parents say they'll pay their kids not to go, while other parents have visions of funnel cakes and saltwater taffy dancing in their heads in early October each year. I have to say that I'm a member of the latter group. Fair? LOVE. 

We went the other day (left Baby Brooke at home... even though I love it,  the fair is way too gross for a baby if I can help it). The kids had a blast! We rode rides - only the kiddie ones for us at this point - stopped by the petting zoo, bobbed for duckies, ran through the fun house, and got faces painted. Here's the story...

View from the Kiddie Ferris Wheel
Here's the boys walking in. It was especially fun this year because Beckham doesn't remember going last year (he's only 2). He's always looking for fun, and this looked like a goldmine...
My boys heading into the fair.
We started out with the bumble bees. Beckham wouldn't stop raising the bar before they took off, and I thought JB was going to have a panic attack... She likes her bee-mobiles to be completely secure... Beckham, of course, is always looking for a thrill...

Motorcycles - you can see Beckham in the back of this shot...

Inside the twirly bears

Beckham Earnheart Jr.

Screaming "Giddy up!" on the carousel
Get out your waving hand Beckham! Here comes Daddy!

Little Trucker
 One thing that made me nervous is the combination of these rides and Beckham's stomach. When we got to this ride, I ran to get myself an armband because I was nervous that he was going to vomit all over the ride. Not that I knew exactly what I was going to do if he vomited all over me in the middle of it. 

Brad is always the fun parent. I usually go back and forth from side-of-the-pool-observer to fun. The fair brings the fun parent out of me... 

Jane Bradley wanted to ride in the front of the dragon
Beckham wanted to go into the fun house. Jane Bradley was so nervous we were going to get lost and never come out. B and I drug her in with us anyway, and she chilled out once we got through the mirror maze.

The loved the silly mirrors...

On the balcony in the funhouse
The funhouse only has one exit. It happens to be a twisty blue slide. I found that out after I went in there. Well, might as well make the most of it...

Nanny and Granddaddy came along with us, and Nanny treated JB and B to some lucky ducks...

Everybody's a winner! Pick up 2 ducks for $5 and win a stuffed animal that costs them half a penny... The kids loved it!

Beckham chose a light-saber... Shocker :)
Petting zoo was one of my favorites - as always!

Shout out to the face painters at the fair! They were the best I've seen! And super fast! 
The Batman and the Unicorn enjoyed it as well..

Playing in the Children's Barnyard
I took the opportunity to teach the kiddos how to have fun on a roller coaster...Yes,  I realize that I was in a giant caterpillar head. 

See ya next year, 2013 State Fair! 2012 was a blast!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Blowing through the Windy City...

This past weekend I climbed a mountain. Dove off of a cliff. Took a big step forward. Went for it. All of the above. I left my kids and baby for the weekend. I went to visit my youngest sister, Janie, in Chicago. Or "Jane" if you've met her in the last 5 years. Sorry, Jay-Jay, it still sounds funny to me :)

(Before you read this, you should know that I discovered Instagram while on my trip. Hence the reason that it looks like I spent the last few days in a fairytale in my photos... I have seen other people's instagram photos for months, but the moments when there is nothing else to do but play with apps on my phone are way more common for my kids than for me... Just know that before you ask me if I've been living under a rock or something...)

DAY 1.

Inside the train station waiting for our train to Downtown Chicago
The view from the train window
I took the direct flight to Chicago and arrived at lunchtime - which is perfect timing considering the first thing on my list was Chicago Pizza. We walked from Janie's apartment to Giordano's Pizza, per recommendation from almost everyone I know. On the way we saw the river.

And took a picture of ourselves in front of it.

Giordano's Pizza. It's serious.
Pizza took 45 minutes to arrive at our table. By then it was 3pm, and we were starving. So, we easily took care of the whole thing... Yum-O.

That's some serious cheese-stuffing.... It was delicious!
Since most of the things on my to-do list were very close by, we just started walking and sight-seeing. The weather was perfect - low 70's all afternoon, no humidity, small breeze. Ideal. 

I don't know what this is called except that this is the place where they have outdoor concerts and theater. They were setting up for the Chicago Gourmet by Bon Appetit event this weekend, and we wanted tickets so bad. But, alas, they were sold out and no one was even scalping them beforehand on Saturday. I may have to come back to this next year... It looked really cool - little tents with food and wine tasting and entertainment everywhere. 

This is the Bean. I read somewhere to make sure I got a picture under the bean since it's this big mirrored-bean, and you can see your distorted reflection in it. Like a giant-fun house mirror that is posing as mid-Chicago art. 

So. In true-gooby-tourist-style... I did. 

I also read that I needed to see the water fountains. This is a giant tower-fountain in the middle of the park. It shows various video pictures while water shoots out of it, and many of them are random Chicagoans just blinking. Then they close their eyes and it looks like water shoots out of their mouths. So random. I wonder how much this costs. Just curious.

We were also in the neighborhood of the Art Institute of Chicago - the city's incredible art museum. It has some very famous paintings, and we spent a little while looking at Van Goghs and Monets (and a whole lot of others). We only had an hour before it closed, but it was actually pretty fun to see the museum this way - sort of like artwork speed-dating...

This one is the most famous painting in the museum "Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte" by Georges Seurat.

This was so neat. It was a table that was set up and said, "Play Chess or Checkers. Choose your partner." Just random table set up on the side of the road offering a little mid-day fun to any takers. I think they should put stuff like this EVERYWHERE. Maybe I'll start one on my cul de sac :)

Had to go in here since I promised souvineirs to my big girl. She loved it. And she asked why I didn't bring her everything else in there :)

After we walked 100 miles on Friday, we finished up the day at The Signature Lounge on the 95th floor of the John Hancock building. We had drinks and appetizers while we talked and looked at these views. SO FUN. And so unlike ANYTHING I ever do on a regular basis. Love.

 DAY 2.

I stayed with Janie at her super gorgeous apartment. It looked like the rooms were torn straight out of Veranda magazine. I know she is LOVING living there! She rents a room from a cute lady who has two puppies and a cat. 

We started out the morning at Lou Mitchell's for breakfast because it is famous, and I am a tourist. Per Google's recommendations, we tried the Ham and Cheese Omelet and the Bacon and Pecan Belgian Waffle. And I had to order the donut holes because they were also recommended and they were only $.75 per plate. And it was all wonderful... I literally thought how much I loved that breakfast all day. It was so good that we got T-shirts.

Then we went to the beach. Who knew Chicago had such an awesome beach? People there are so fit. They were biking and running and strolling all day long. 

After walking another hundred miles (not really, but I am sooo out of shape), we stopped at The Cheesecake Factory for a light lunch and margaritas. It ended up being a heavy lunch. So heavy that the thought of ordering cheesecake on top of it was repulsive. So I will have to go back for that one. It was my first time to go to a Cheesecake Factory. I approve. 

Our night ended at The Navy Pier. One of my favorite things we did for sure. And night time is for sure the time to go. We went on a Skyline Boat tour and rode a boat further off of the shore to get a great tour of the Chicago skyline. 

We couldn't see so well, so she said to smile and we would use the flash. I guess I was really excited to do this...

DAY 3.

Before heading home, Janie took me to the church she's been visiting, The Moody Church. I recently read the most impactful book, "Kisses from Katie" by Katie Davis. She has become a missionary in Uganda, and this book has really flavored all of my thoughts in the last few weeks. I was so blessed to be at the church where the African Children's Choir from Uganda was performing yesterday! While everyone else was smiling and cheering for these kids, tears were streaming down my face... Besides wanting to bring a couple home with me, I felt so moved by their story and the joy that was so evident in their song and dance. 

A few hours later, I was coming home to this guy. And besides my biggest THANK YOU! He should receive dad of the year. He kept our 6 year old, 2 1/2 year old, and 3 month old all weekend AND had them fed, dressed, packed, and at the early service of our church ON TIME! 

When my dad saw him before he left, he said he couldn't believe Brad was totally ok with keeping the kids all weekend by himself. To which Brad smiled and said, "Well... They're MY kids!" So, If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go let myself off the hook now...