Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Close to the end...

 It's the end of the school year, and as usual, it brings a huge wave of end-of-the-year festivities, programs, and showings of all signs of accomplishment and completion. This year, we were invited to see Jane Bradley perform with all of her co-mini-ballerinas in a program at her school. 

Jane Bradley repeated 4 year-old preschool this year because her birthday is at the very end of the summer, which meant she was in the same ballet class for the second time. Last year, the ballet teacher was on stage with them, but this year she had a different ballet teacher, and she watched from backstage. We all smiled when the girls ran around stage a little confused... Until JB became the traffic director, and stood on stage and told them all where to stand and how to dance... (I have no idea where she gets this from :)...). Here are some of the photos:

Pre-performance photo

JB with her ballet teacher
 It is customary to bring something flowery to the performer following a recital. All of JB's guests followed this custom, and JB's loot made her look like she had just won the olympics...

And Beckham noticed... 

Here, Beckham, have a flower and stop fussing :)

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