Friday, May 25, 2012

just a quick minute...

Sometimes it's just good to smile for a minute. Here are some pics that do it for me... 

I let B help with baking brownies for the first time the other day-He prefers to take on the licking of the spatula with his whole face... mustache & goatee style.

JB has had quite a harvest of cherry tomatoes from her garden. She is so proud! I love seeing her face when she runs out to discover what is ready to pick every couple of days.

Mother's day doesn't have many pics this year. Brad took the kiddos to choose a gift for me, and while he was in a store, surrounded by breakable objects and chasing Beckham while he attempted to run laps and give the sales lady a heart attack, Jane Bradley chose her gift. It was so sweet to open my new bracelet on Mother's Day and see her beaming face...

Beckham found a new place to sit in the driveway... 

Then he tried to eat the sidewalk chalk...

Then JB tried to clean his face off and his mouth out...

Which didn't help because he just tried again...

Have a great Memorial Day weekend!! I hope your weekend is as fun as stuffing yourself in a bucket full of sidewalk chalk :)

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