Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Still in December

Not a lot to say... Just a few pictures to post.

I mean, really. Could these two be any cuter?

These two aren't so bad either :)

Hello again to Mickey. Thanks to my sweet friend who let our elf copy her elf :) Another big hit. PS... to anyone who might read this blog and think that I was full of these ideas, please know that, yes, I am usually full of ideas, and no, I never actually make most of them happen. We had 3 or 4 awesome elf mornings, and I spent a lot of time checking out all of the other elves on pinterest who had glazed their own mini-donuts out of cheerios, but our elf only used items that were already in the house and that took less than 2 minutes to put together... Just so you know...

Sometimes we get it right. We make some of the tiniest moments special, and lots of that happens after bath time when we are trying to head to bed. Maybe that's because one of us usually gets a break and pours the wine at this time? I'm not sure, but here are some of those moments I'm talking about...

Brad running up the stairs with JB wrapped up on his head...

Hope your day ends in smiles like these :)

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