Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Bring on the new

2012 is full of new. New schedule (No more 3 nights/week class!), new job, new surprises...

Baby Madden #3 coming at the end of June!
The kids are excited. I was hoping that we might be able to have another one after school was over, so I would talk all the time to JB about what we would do if we ever had another baby - like where would it sit in the car, how her dad was going to hold another one all at the same time like he does now, what another baby would call her... She would imagine all of the possibilities and talk about how she hoped it would be a girl but she likes little brothers too. So when we told her around 8 weeks, she was thrilled.

We decided that we have a girl and a boy already, but we've never had a surprise so we won't be finding out girl or boy on this one. Maybe not finding out is also my way of putting off nursery decisions, because honestly, I really don't know where I'm going to put the new baby. My best solution right now, is a pack-n-play in my closet. Jane Bradley is dead-set on moving upstairs, but to me that feels like I might as well just move her in to a dorm room at college. So, the closet it is until I can handle a little more change...

Speaking of change... The rate of change is happening a little faster this time than I remember it...
Don't be fooled by the shadow - I'm WAY smaller than I look - not really... 
As for my bucket list, I have been adding to it for weeks. It started out with 1. Be on time to preschool. So far, we've improved to on time 3 out of 5 days. Not bad since we used to be pretty much never on time. Next I added 2. Read. I read the Help already, so I'm already ahead of the game. The others are:
3. Eat healthy/ drink more water
4. Spend wisely
5. Record memories
6. Organize chaotic spots in my house
7. Practice keeping my car clean
8. Write notes to people - why do I always think that people will think it's weird? I LOVE getting notes from people!
9. Find new go-to recipes
10. Get my creative back... find some outlets... paint like I used to
11. Reconnect with friends - have dinner guests!

So this is a pretty good list, and I'm getting a good start. Usually, I love to make a list, and it fizzles out by March-ish. So far, the blog has been a great way to tackle #5. Maybe the 3rd baby won't get the typical treatment of a handful of photos per year compared to the handful per minute of the first baby!

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